Close Reading


Based on the aricle, “How to do a close reading,” the definition of close reading is to observe facts and detalis about a text. The first step is to observe, and the second step is to interpret your observations. Annotating or highlighting key words and phrases is one way to begin observing the text. When we annotate and write notes, we are paying attention to what the author is writing. Next, it is important to look for patterns such as repititions, contradictions, and similiarities throughout the whole passage. Finally, it is a good idea to ask questions about the patterns we recognized, such as how or why something happened in the text.

According to Dr. McClennen’s Close Reading Guide(, the definiton of close reading is to develop a deep understanding and precise interpretation of a passage that is based on the words themselves. Writing a close reading involes the following steps: understanding what the passage is about, note interesting connations of words, examing the structure of the passage, recognize any pattern or similiarites in the whole passage, examine the arrangement of words  in the sentences, determine the speaker’s tone, relate all details and interpretations to possible themes throughout the passage, and write a thesis statement that ties the deatails and interpretations together.

I found this source really helpful because it gives a guide on how to do a close reading, and how the essay should be formatted!

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